There are many different factors that go into booking surgery for your cosmetic procedure. One important thing to factor into your surgery is the recovery. Once you meet with the surgeon and decide upon having the surgery you will then need to schedule a date to have the procedure done. Many facilities do surgeries on Tuesday or Thursdays. Each procedure requires different amount of down time and time off from work or school. The usual length of cosmetic procedures are between five to fourteen days.
If you work on the weekdays it may be smart to book your surgery on Thursday so that the weekend will give you a few more days of extra recovery upon returning to work. If you feel uncomfortable about telling friends and co-workers that you are having a cosmetic procedure done, you can tell them that you are taking a vacation or you are having a female or male type surgery.
You will not be able to drive until you are off of narcotics and can steer the wheel. It is wise to stock up with groceries before your surgery so that you will not have to leave your house for the first few days. You must arrange your transportation home from the surgery. You are not allowed to drive after surgery. It is important that once you return home you stay elevated and drink plenty of fluids. Elevation is important especially for breast augmentation Los Angeles. You are not on strict bed rest and it is important to walk to keep the blood flowing. It is important that someone stay with you the night of surgery to assist you with anything you may need.